How does a sex doll vagina feel?
A man and a woman are attracted to each other through the vagina. Sex doll vagina is attractive to men and the more beautiful they are, the more you want them. When I looked at my doll's vagina, my mouth was watering to get my tongue deeper, and the deeper she went, I only wished I had a longer one so she could go deeper.
A loose vagina does not equal pleasure for a man.
Not from a male perspective, generally. The vagina is lubricated and large enough to accommodate the penis, which makes intercourse easier for a man.

Este bine ca sexul să aibă un vagin strâns. Pe măsură ce îl glisați înăuntru și în afară, puteți simți căldura și prinderea penisului.
In order to feel good around a guy's cock, there needs to be a certain degree of tightness in the vagina. The good news is that the doll's vagina is tight, which makes her feel great.
Îmi plac tot felul de păpuși, dar când trebuie să fac sex cu ea, aș putea să o fac toată noaptea.
This means that the doll's pussy touches his cock when he is inside you, which gives him a pleasant stimulation.
I enjoy when my păpușă sexuală fierbinte realistă puts her vagina on my penis so that I can feel it fully, because it allows me to fully feel the inside of it.
There is a warm and pleasant feeling that cannot be described in words. It is like ecstasy when we are united, it is such a beautiful act.